Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cool Tissues

In this blog posting I’ve included footnotes that give either relevant scriptures or background information that fill in the details. The footnotes are at the end of the blog if you’re interested. 

I pulled the tissue from the blue metallic colored square box and used it to blow my nose.  “Oooh, this is nice.  What is it?”  The process brought coolness to my nose as though the box was a tiny refrigerator keeping the tissues at a refreshing temperature.   Had the box been sitting near the air-conditioning vent?  No.  Every tissue emanated the same coolness.  Right down to the very last one.  Every time I used a tissue the same cooling sensation soothed my nose.  I’d never experienced this before and I was intrigued.  When I inspected the box, I read all about Cool Touch™, cooling, soothing and soft!  My word, I didn’t know this existed.  I usually buy the generic brand, which is nothing like this!  “After all,” I reasoned, “tissues are disposables and I do use them in great quantity.  Don’t spend a lot of money on them.” I was quite satisfied with my choice, until I used these.  I have now discovered something far superior to any tissue I’ve ever used or knew existed.

My life experiences have often been like that as well.  When I’m at an impasse, a tight spot[1] or a dilemma, I have one, maybe two solutions. But what I’ve experienced is that God has a myriad of options for every situation. At least 99.9% more that I could begin to imagine. Here are just a few examples from my own life. 

In August after my freshman year in college I was dating literally the “man of my dreams.”  He was everything I had wanted in a husband and more.  I believed I had delighted myself in the Lord and Wayne was my reward[2]. By October the guy ditched me.  I was hurt initially but maintained a thread of hope.  That hope mocked me and then I got mad at God!  I ranted at God, threw tantrums in front of my roommates and tried numerous times to fall in love with, well anybody.  Nightmares of dream guy with a fiancée or worse, a wife, haunted my sleep.

My life went differently[3] than I’d hoped. About the time I resolved the hurt, twenty-two agonizing months and four days later to be exact, I received a letter from him.  It was an out-of- the-blue option.  The romantic whirl-wind relationship that followed had not been among my options. I could not have imagined[4] that in the waiting God was preparing both of us for a timelier, healthier, richer relationship than either of us could have created.

You might think I learned that lesson, but not quite. 

We married and unsuccessfully sought jobs in Beirut, Lebanon[5].  We were at the end of our money and our “only option” was to return to the U.S.  On a whim we thought, “We may never be in this neighborhood again so let’s visit the family’s homeland, Iran.”  We did and within 48 hours of arriving we both landed jobs.  However, we would have struggled with cross-cultural living if we hadn’t had the time in Beirut under the tutelage of our aunt and uncle.  God’s option[6] gave us more than we knew to request.

We returned to the U.S. two years later.  After another four years and two sons, we started a business.  In that process we accumulated significant debt.  It got to the point where we had to close-up shop.  Wayne took a minimum-wage job in order to put food on the table, which was quite humbling for a Tau Beta Pi engineer.  I could not figure out how such low wages would meet our normal bills, let alone pay back outstanding loans.  I had very few options, none of them adequate. Our situation was impossible.

In a very creative way[7], God totally resurrected our business.  A hefty commission put us back in the game, the debt was retired quickly and we’ve enjoyed 32 more years of business.  Since then there have been many similar challenges and just as many God-designed options and solutions.

A few years later I felt directed to look for a new house, moving us out of the city and into the suburbs.  In the time it took me to find the house we wanted, our pending business opportunities had dried up and we were more focused on survival than acquiring more square footage. I don’t remember throwing any tantrums this time, but I was disillusioned.  I thought I understood God’s direction, but the “evidence” proved differently.  Six months later our financial situation was totally reversed and we bought a house after only a ten-minute walk-thru.  The house was directly behind the previous one we liked. If we’d had two nickels to rub together earlier, we’d have bought the first house and lamented not having the kidney-shaped pool that came with our “dream home”.  God had more options for me than I could imagine in my disappointed state.  And he preserved us by tying our hands through our finances so we would be available for his choice.

One would think after the years of witnessing this phenomenon I would now spend very little time stewing over the mountainous impossibilities ahead of me. But I’m in another tight spot[8].  This time I feel like I’m choking. I can hardly breathe[9]. I have a choice, to work within the options I see, or look further down the shelf at what God might be creating or imagining.

John 6 records that Jesus saw a crowd of people approaching and he asked Philip “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”  Philip fell right into his own logic, “We don’t have enough money for that!”  Even Andrew looked at a lunch of five barley loaves and two fish and derided, “How far can this go to feed so many?”  But verse 6 tells us that Jesus asked this question only to test Philip because Jesus already had in mind what he was going to do.  And what did he do?  He blessed the small lunch and fed more than 5000 people with it.  This was an option outside of the disciples’ imagination and mine!

How often do I limit my solutions to what I know?  When the Creator of the gecko, monarch butterflies, redwood trees, prickly pear cacti, wild piglets, green turtles, sunsets, magnolias, Bonavila plants, sea salt, stove-pipe sponges and aloe for Cool Touch™ tissues can take my puny impossibility and speak the solution into existence[10]. Yes, options that before I needed them didn’t even exist.

Did you know there are other specialized tissues beyond the Cool Touch™?  You could have the Ultra Soft, the Lotion tissue or the Anti-Viral[11] tissue that kills 99.9% of the cold and flu viruses. (read the fine print). And have you seen those sophisticated oval tissue boxes that add a trendy pizzazz to your décor? The options are unending!

[1] When I was desperate, I called out, and God got me out of a tight spot.  God's angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.  Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see - how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Psalm 34:6-8 The Message

[2] Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,… Psalms 37:4-5 NIV

[3] For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV

[4] Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV

[5] When Wayne first hinted at marriage, he also informed me that he planned to join his aunt and uncle, missionaries in Beirut, to work with them and support himself with an engineering job.  He planned to be gone one to two years.  “Hold on,” I said.  “I’ve been waiting for you for two years, don’t expect me to wait around for another two.”  Thinking back on it, I was bluffing.  But it worked. Coincident with our engagement and wedding came our planning for Beirut. Two months after we were married, we boarded a freighter and headed for the Middle East. In reality, we were so naive and unaware, we had no idea the adventure that awaited us!

[6] …for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8

[7] We were close friends with Ellie in Michigan.  Ellie moved to California.  She worked in a secretarial pool.  One day she was typing for Jim, because his regular typist was out.  His letter meshed with our work and Ellie connected him to Wayne.  Jim, an international recruiter, had a job order. Wayne had a person qualified for that job.  The two split the commission.  We were back on our feet, a little wobbly, but standing.  The solution had been utterly out of our control or planning.  One might say it was completely coincidental, if you believe in that stuff.

[8] Disciples so often get into trouble; still God is there every time.  He’s your bodyguard, shielding every bone;…Psalm 34:19-20a The Message

[9] The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.  The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me.  In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. Psalms 18:4-6 NIV 

[10]  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:3 NIV


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Power of Feathers

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.  Psalms 91:4

My friend Joann laid in the emergency room, a brace around her neck, her body covered with warm blankets and a blood-soaked bandage wrapped her left foot. The car accident had been severe, totaling her car and backing up traffic while three paramedic teams cared for the drivers and passengers. I had just seen her the night before and she’d told me that every night she read Psalm 91, claiming the protection from many methods of attacks.  And here she was.  When I arrived at her bedside, I pulled out my Bible to read those familiar words…”no harm will befall you.”  The words seemed to mock Joann’s situation.  I said to her, “It may not seem like it right now, but these words are true.” 

For a while Psalm 91 was written on a banner that wrapped the perimeter of the cozy prayer room at our church.  We were encouraged to meditate on and pray through that psalm, which I did more than once. There was a pair of large wings covered with white soft feathers that also hung on the wall.  They had probably been part of an angel’s pageant costume and they gave the impression of a mighty soaring bird.  That actually is the image I have when reading Psalm 91. 

But I get a very different impression of wings of refuge when I read Christ’s words in Matthew 23:37, “how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.”  Although the images are quite different, they are not contradictory.  And when I need refuge, I don’t care what birds’ feathers are available.

Feathers as designed by the creator serve ubiquitous sparrows and majestic eagles.  They provide protective body covering, trap air for body warmth, provide insulation and increase buoyancy for water birds.  Some specialized feathers protect the eyes and nostrils during flight and others around the mouth actually snatch insects. All of those purposes fit nicely, reassuringly into the psalm.
Then very early this morning I experienced first hand
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 91:4

 It was four-eleven a.m. when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom.  I stumbled through the room with my eyes mostly shut so I wouldn’t disturb my sleep too much.  I felt I’d succeeded when I crawled back to bed very sleepy.  But the moment my head hit the pillow, my mind was barraged with fearful thoughts. “No, please not now,” I begged.  I had horrific tempests the day before with fear and worry and my daughter Alissa and husband Wayne held the life line taut for me and I made it to the other side of the troubling waters.  The attacks and turbulence in the middle of the night are horrendous.  “No, please spare me,” I prayed silently. 

But I wasn’t spared.  The gale, though intense, didn’t last long and I landed on these thoughts. 

            1) My second son, David, was jaundiced after birth and it took several precarious days until he was out of the woods. I was sent home without him, fearful, worried and even after a lifetime of Sunday School and Christian education I didn’t know where to go in scripture for comfort or encouragement.  That storm was a wake-up-call for me in how little of God’s Word I knew and how much more of it I needed.

            2) After starting our business we went through the worst financial situation we’d ever experienced.  Every bill produced fear in me, but also taught me that God was my literal provider.  I learned to cling to him like a life buoy.  I also learned how to pray about everything. 

In some mysterious way those memories settled my churning fearful mind. It was like Dramamine to sea-sickness.  It was, as I would find out, being covered with feathers.

As I was ready to sleep, Wayne asked if I was awake.  “Yeah?”  I said, sensing the gusting of my calm waters. I realized in the next few minutes that my rough sailing was not only for my benefit.  Unknowingly I secured a harbor for the imminent whirlwind that threatened to capsize Wayne.   I experienced as much of his storm as I had in my own squall.  This time I was on duty to hold the life line and I had been readied. I really didn’t have to say much; nearly nothing at all.  I just needed to listen.  I felt extremely calm, like I was protected behind a shield, a curtain of feathers with a powerful tempest just beyond them.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
 Psalm 91:11-12

Immediately I recognized the intricacy of the last few minutes. I marveled at the delicate work of the Holy Spirit to make sure I wasn’t awaked out of a deep sleep, caught unsuspectingly in turbulent waters of fear and sheltered during the torrent that was outside of me.  My thoughts moved from “Thank you for this safe, peaceful place,” to “Thank you that you are bringing Wayne to a similar place through this.” 

I’d never considered the strength of feathers. Also it was most pleasurable to imagine angelic activity around me.  They awakened me through a natural body function, let me experience the raw tactics of my enemy, reassured me by highlighting pertinent spiritual landmarks of my life and then tucked feathers together making a shelter for my abiding.  I was cared for.

At one point I did consider stepping over to the feathers and separating them a bit to peek out at the storm.  But I didn’t want to disrupt the detailed work or the peace it afforded. So I thanked and I prayed from under the covering of his wings.

Joann is still in the hospital.  She now has a soft cast on her foot, but it didn’t require surgery. She has a fractured pelvis that is amazingly treated with ice.  She is under observation for a few days which is expected, unnerving, but at this point not threatening. Numerous contusions over her body could make one doubt the presence of feathers or make us realize there is nothing downy about protective coverings.

Whether I thought so or not, Psalm 91 was true in the emergency room, in my middle-of-the night terror and in whatever arrows fly by day.  I can, I will, rest in the shadow of the Almighty for He is willing to cover me with his feathers.

And Wayne?  He also made it to the dwelling place of the Most High, though he migrated an alternate route.  After all, he is a bird of a different feather.